Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Ok, so I admit it, I suck at blogging. This is what? My first blog in like two months? Lemme look... Ok, one month. Either way, a lot has happened in a month. My job has decided to let myself and another co-worker do profit sharing which could potentially lead to much more financial security, Niki and I made it official... we're totally together now, and um... I still haven't gotten my car. How awesome is that?

Yeah, Ooh oh ohoh! I did however pay off almost all my credit card debts! I still owe some on a card but I'm keeping that little bit in there for a short while because I heard that having at least some debt is good for a credit score. So, I'm lookin' to maximize my score before I get my car so I can get a better loan percentage.

I think I still want the Mazda3. From what I've read so far, every person that's written a review who's owned the car has loved it. It's fast, affordable, freakin' sweet looking, and fuel efficient. Hot.

So, I really like Niki. I've been so cautious up to this point because I've been guarding my heart. But, since the 11th of May (eh-hem, the day we made it official) I've really allowed myself to take that risk. To put my heart out there for her... and so far, it's been awesome. She's been nothing but great to me. She's supportive, sweet, kind, sensitive, smart, funny, and very open. Oh, and she actually wants to do stuff with me. haha That's kind of nice. Sure, I have a lot of friends who like to do things with me... but this is a girl... WHO LIKES ME. What the heck? That's hot.

Seriously though, I think I may be falling for my girlfriend...