Monday, September 14, 2009

Hooooh Boy. :)

Been a while since I posted! Well, let's see here...

-We went through the stresses of the final few weeks before out marriage.
-Went through the Wedding, which was awesome! Thank you to everyone who helped. :)
-Went on a week vacation to Baja California on a Carnival Cruise (highly recommend).
-Came back and went back to work to find out that I was being let go.
-Immediately started a job search that night and got 3 interviews with the same company in 2 days time!
-Now, I'm looking for all opportunities that will roll my way and/or that I have to search for.

So, that's a short list of the long month that I haven't written anything. I have to say that I love being married. We've only gotten into a few little arguments so most of the time we're just having a great time being as close as a person can be to another.

She's already gotten me to watch the one movie I swore I'd never watch; Titanic. It really was something to convince me to, she has to sit through the equivalent of Football games. : ) lol

I figured it would good to show her that I'd do anything for her and that we can enjoy things that the other person loves to do together. Either way, the movie was just waaaay too long. Bleh.

I'm now just writing before I head out into the big world and find other job opportunities again! :) weeeee!

I actually found that alot of the little spats that we were having were directly related to the extreme stress of paying for our own wedding and of putting it on. I'm glad we did, though. It's allowed us to have a nice little get-a-way from the stress of these huge events... even though the losing of the job is kind of a big event that's added a lot of stress, I think we're more prepared as a couple to take care of it and deal with it together.

Another funny thing that happened was the fact that I got sick a week before the wedding and cruise and was throwing up and doing the number 2 dance. Then, I was praying I wouldn't do that again until after everything was finally over. Well, that's exactly what I got. On the car ride home I still felt like I was on the boat, which wasn't so bad, except for some reason I had a terrible headache and my tummy was upset.

So, they had to pull over and I threw up. Then I got home, which took way to long because of me, and fell into bed instantaneously, 20 minutes later woke up and threw everything up that I had eaten for the past 7 days. lol Money wasted!

The weird thing was that I couldn't keep my eyes open. I fell right to sleep and slept for 12 hours straight from 8pm to 8am and felt great and refreshed in the morning. I guess if I were to ever be sick, that's the way to do it. Get it all out at the beginning, sleep the rest of it off and wake up feeling great. :)