Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I'm sick. I woke up this morning vomiting and doin' the number two in the not so happy fun-time format. Didn't go to work today, so I feel bad for not making the money I should be working for my family that's about to start... and yet, I'm still dizzy, light-headed, nauseous, and got liquid flying from my body every which way (gross, huh?).

I thought I'd share this with you all, thank you.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Less Than Two Weeks

Yup, less than two weeks left! The excitement is coming in small stints and starting to hit harder and harder as the big day comes closer. We'll see how I feel next week after Jason's wedding. I'm wearing fuchsia for my tuxedo tie and vest! AH! It's just like Jason to pull something like that. :)

Either way, I can't believe it's already been 8 months since I've asked her to marry me. It seems like this day's been so far away for so very long, but now it's right upon on and we're scrambling to make all the final arrangements.

All I know is that I love her and that I'll support her through her life. If I do that, I know we'll be happy together always...

12 more days...!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Mini Spats

It's funny. Little tiny things can get people upset. Drama comes in the smallest packages and yet, when those little tiny packages are opened, it's as though they're the biggest things in the world at the moment.

This seems especially true when you really care about a person and then the whole world just seems to turn upside down when you're not in agreement.

Yet... the funny thing is, the next morning things seem to be back to normal... was it ever really worth being upset about in the first place?

I wish we could think this clear headed while it was happening.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I forgot to mention that God healed my ears. Yay! :)

Getting Closer

We're getting closer and closer to the big day. The day we get married. It's getting very excited and nerve-racking at the same time. It's like looking forward to an impending situation that's out of your control that you know you're destined for and that you've wanted your whole life.

When it started out when we were dating, we had control of everything. We had our own lives, our own time, our own money... now it's as if when I proposed I somehow set up a time bomb and have been watching it tick. I can't stop it (frankly, I don't want to), and everything was set into motion by that one simple gesture, "Will you marry me?"

It's a scary feeling to lose control, but what I'm gaining is so much greater. For me though, it's now the feeling of responsibility for someone else. I'm now responsible for a family. Can I do it?

I know I can, but it's the change. The change of environment. This time last year I was coming home everyday to doing whatever the heck I wanted to do. Now, I'm getting off of work (6 days a week) and eating with her or doing something that's leading up to the wedding. We've had to do so much work... more accurately she's done most of the work. She's amazing when it comes to this stuff.

In the end, I feel like I'm falling towards an inevitable fate... but, what's cool about it is that we set this fate up at the beginning and now we're just playing it out, trying to be the best at our roles for the story as we can be. It's been fun, hard, and absolutely crazy at times, but I appreciate all of it.

I can't wait for us to just be married.