Saturday, August 13, 2011


It's amazing what life will throw at you. It's amazing what you can take, as well. It's difficult to write on here without giving too much away, but I just want to express that I want to run away from everything but at the same time stand up, be a man, and make things work the way they're supposed to.

It's so difficult to see someone moving towards a path of destruction and not being able to do anything about it. All you can do is love. But, you have to be very cautious in the love because you can push that person away. It's so complicated. Why!? WHY!?

Why can't people just accept things for what they are. Control what they can control and let go of that which they cannot? Why can't we just choose right over wrong every time? Why can't we all just GET ALONG?!?

Sometimes I feel like the only sane person... I wish I could just say a magic word and then, BAM, change a persons thought process to understand mine and see where I'm really coming from.

I believe I'm pretty articulate. But, sometimes when I'm in specific situations which dictate a more aggressive level communication, I cannot say anything the way I truly mean it. How do you express yourself without breaking every barrier of safety?

Maybe that's it. I can't wear kid gloves anymore. Maybe I need to man-up and just say things the way they are. They're already going south and if I do nothing they will continue to move to where they will be eventually out of my reach.

I need to say what needs to be said. I need to put it bluntly but with love. I need to speak the truth in love. I need to be a true example of a man... the best that I can be and if things don't work out the way I originally planned, that's ok. I tried. I did my best and I did what I was supposed to do. It's better than watching everything slip away to place that's beyond my control.

Here I come, to the land of the unknown. The land of possible rejection. The land of possibility...

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