Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Not much.

So, let's see here. I've decided that I'm going to stop being lazy when waking up. It's so easy to grab my phone (my primary alarm clock) and open it and then close it. Ah, sleep mode. It's like 8 minutes of heaven... or 8 minutes of knowing you're about to wake up again to exact same noise that woke you up the first time.

I don't get it. How on earth do people SPRING out of bed in the mornings and greet the day with a smile? I mean, even when I go to bed earlier I just want to sleep more! I suppose there is that sweet spot, where you sleep at literally 8 hours and you can get up just fine. Anything over that 8 hours will make you want more sleep and anything under will make you feel... well, groggy.

As I just re-read over my previous statement perhaps I'm alone in this. :( Either way, I've found that if I can just have enough will power, I can make myself get up on the first alarm. If I do that, I usually feel a lot better.

But, amazingly a lot can happen in those 8 minutes. I can dream a good portion of a dream in that time. I can even leave off from the previous dream or even start a new epic story that I don't want to be torn away from. This is a part of what makes waking up unbearable sometimes...

I dream my most vivid dreams in these morning hours. Usually I wake up early in the morning and then fall back to sleep. When this happens is when I have my favorite time in sleep. There seems to be more comfort and much more entertainment as I always seem to remember my dreams.

Also, I guess I remember my dreams more often than most people? If you ask me if I remember my dream from the previous night I can usually remember a lot of details depending on when you ask me. I've always wondered about that, too. Why is it that you can remember dreams so well in the morning and then by day's end you cannot remember as much? I understand the concept that the further time goes same goes your memory of less important memories. But, why are dreams so hard to remember unless extremely powerful or just straight up memorable?

hhmm, I might have just answered my own question...

Dreams... maybe that's why I don't like waking up. Oh, who am I kidding? I LOVE SLEEP. If I could sleep in everyday, I WOULD. I mean, heck yes!

Laughing and Snow Covered Roads

Man, it feels great to laugh. Just choosing to be in a good mood. At first forcing myself to put smilies everywhere and be chipper with people... well, I eventually rubbed off onto me and had a great night. Go figure.

I laughed a lot tonight and I must say, I'm in a great mood. It was good too, I needed it.

Had a bit of a stressful day at work. But, it's sort of good. I needed a bit of a shake-up. I needed something to get me out of doing the same thing everyday--pushing paper. Sure, it looks like I'm doing nothing but honestly my day is taken up mostly by doing things that involve paper work. Like, little bit here and there.

I had to go out on a service call to one of our biggest clients. Their VPN went down because the stupid DSL Technician DESTROYED our VPN tunnel by doing a factory reset on the VPN Router. Hey, thanks. That only took us an ENTIRE day to set up, jerk.

So, I had to go up a few miles past Pine Grove to get the job done. While I was up there it started to snow like crazy. Well, crazy for me. I live in California. :P In fact, I only see snow where I live about once or twice a year. The interesting thing is that if I drive 8 miles up the road (I was about 4 miles past this point) you're where it snows every year regularly.

So, these people are used to it. Me? Nope. I have a Honda Accord. Not exactly what you'd call SNOW ready. So, I'm trying to get out of this place while there's still light and while the roads are still visible. Nope. I get out of there past the time I usually get off of work.


But, being the savvy driver that I am, I figured it out and got out of the slide. I then made it to the Highway and tried my darnedest to stay on my side of the road--as there was no more yellow line. So, here I am trying my best to even see as the snow was coming down pretty hard, at night, and my toes were cold. Great.

I'm white knuckling the steering wheel only doing about 35 miles per hour on the highway. Then--I thought I'd never be so happy to have someone pull in front of me--a giant Hummer pulls out in front of me and proceeds to unknowingly guide me through the mountainous terrain. So I finally make it to where the snow isn't sticking anymore and I can breath easier.

I didn't go back to work to pick up my things.

I then went to Taco Bell with Jason. MMMMMMMMM

I finished off the night with Mai and Kev playing iSketch. I laughed and I feel great. :) So, goodnight sleepy world.

p.s. Snow isn't that bad. But, I needed a good story. I was genuinely scared though. =0

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My first entry...

This entry will directly contradict my blog's name. It will not be wise, nor will it be a musing.

That is all.