Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Been a while...

So, what's happened? Well, my time is gone. hah

It seems as though there's not enough of it in the day. Perhaps this is normal for normal people, but I'm not normal. My time is my most prized possession. Maybe when I can let that go I shall truly gain it back again. heh, the exact concept of what I 'should' believe in.

Either way...

To answer your question, No. That's not why I 'left' you.

It's too bad I haven't been able to really and completely say it all. I really did care very much for you enough to do what I felt was the right thing. I'm sorry.

Things are crazy right now. I have a gamut of feelings right now racing through me. I have a decision right now that's really facing me down. I didn't think I'd be making it this early. I just got exactly what I prayed for and then found another opportunity knocking at my door that would give me all the security that I could want right now. But, I'm stuck between loyalty and personal gain, but a good personal gain. It's an actual non-greedy gain. It's something that everyone would say, "Great decision. Good choice."

So, what's my problem? I cannot put myself into the best place for myself because of other people's feelings. I just wish I knew how people would feel if I did what was best for me. The thing is that this wouldn't only be good for me, it would be great for a family I may want to raise at some point. A future... security.

Oh and the A's line up this year? Already happened. I forgot to get back to you. Sorry. =/

As of right now, though? The A's are 9-5. Righteous.

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