Monday, September 14, 2009

Hooooh Boy. :)

Been a while since I posted! Well, let's see here...

-We went through the stresses of the final few weeks before out marriage.
-Went through the Wedding, which was awesome! Thank you to everyone who helped. :)
-Went on a week vacation to Baja California on a Carnival Cruise (highly recommend).
-Came back and went back to work to find out that I was being let go.
-Immediately started a job search that night and got 3 interviews with the same company in 2 days time!
-Now, I'm looking for all opportunities that will roll my way and/or that I have to search for.

So, that's a short list of the long month that I haven't written anything. I have to say that I love being married. We've only gotten into a few little arguments so most of the time we're just having a great time being as close as a person can be to another.

She's already gotten me to watch the one movie I swore I'd never watch; Titanic. It really was something to convince me to, she has to sit through the equivalent of Football games. : ) lol

I figured it would good to show her that I'd do anything for her and that we can enjoy things that the other person loves to do together. Either way, the movie was just waaaay too long. Bleh.

I'm now just writing before I head out into the big world and find other job opportunities again! :) weeeee!

I actually found that alot of the little spats that we were having were directly related to the extreme stress of paying for our own wedding and of putting it on. I'm glad we did, though. It's allowed us to have a nice little get-a-way from the stress of these huge events... even though the losing of the job is kind of a big event that's added a lot of stress, I think we're more prepared as a couple to take care of it and deal with it together.

Another funny thing that happened was the fact that I got sick a week before the wedding and cruise and was throwing up and doing the number 2 dance. Then, I was praying I wouldn't do that again until after everything was finally over. Well, that's exactly what I got. On the car ride home I still felt like I was on the boat, which wasn't so bad, except for some reason I had a terrible headache and my tummy was upset.

So, they had to pull over and I threw up. Then I got home, which took way to long because of me, and fell into bed instantaneously, 20 minutes later woke up and threw everything up that I had eaten for the past 7 days. lol Money wasted!

The weird thing was that I couldn't keep my eyes open. I fell right to sleep and slept for 12 hours straight from 8pm to 8am and felt great and refreshed in the morning. I guess if I were to ever be sick, that's the way to do it. Get it all out at the beginning, sleep the rest of it off and wake up feeling great. :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I'm sick. I woke up this morning vomiting and doin' the number two in the not so happy fun-time format. Didn't go to work today, so I feel bad for not making the money I should be working for my family that's about to start... and yet, I'm still dizzy, light-headed, nauseous, and got liquid flying from my body every which way (gross, huh?).

I thought I'd share this with you all, thank you.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Less Than Two Weeks

Yup, less than two weeks left! The excitement is coming in small stints and starting to hit harder and harder as the big day comes closer. We'll see how I feel next week after Jason's wedding. I'm wearing fuchsia for my tuxedo tie and vest! AH! It's just like Jason to pull something like that. :)

Either way, I can't believe it's already been 8 months since I've asked her to marry me. It seems like this day's been so far away for so very long, but now it's right upon on and we're scrambling to make all the final arrangements.

All I know is that I love her and that I'll support her through her life. If I do that, I know we'll be happy together always...

12 more days...!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Mini Spats

It's funny. Little tiny things can get people upset. Drama comes in the smallest packages and yet, when those little tiny packages are opened, it's as though they're the biggest things in the world at the moment.

This seems especially true when you really care about a person and then the whole world just seems to turn upside down when you're not in agreement.

Yet... the funny thing is, the next morning things seem to be back to normal... was it ever really worth being upset about in the first place?

I wish we could think this clear headed while it was happening.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I forgot to mention that God healed my ears. Yay! :)

Getting Closer

We're getting closer and closer to the big day. The day we get married. It's getting very excited and nerve-racking at the same time. It's like looking forward to an impending situation that's out of your control that you know you're destined for and that you've wanted your whole life.

When it started out when we were dating, we had control of everything. We had our own lives, our own time, our own money... now it's as if when I proposed I somehow set up a time bomb and have been watching it tick. I can't stop it (frankly, I don't want to), and everything was set into motion by that one simple gesture, "Will you marry me?"

It's a scary feeling to lose control, but what I'm gaining is so much greater. For me though, it's now the feeling of responsibility for someone else. I'm now responsible for a family. Can I do it?

I know I can, but it's the change. The change of environment. This time last year I was coming home everyday to doing whatever the heck I wanted to do. Now, I'm getting off of work (6 days a week) and eating with her or doing something that's leading up to the wedding. We've had to do so much work... more accurately she's done most of the work. She's amazing when it comes to this stuff.

In the end, I feel like I'm falling towards an inevitable fate... but, what's cool about it is that we set this fate up at the beginning and now we're just playing it out, trying to be the best at our roles for the story as we can be. It's been fun, hard, and absolutely crazy at times, but I appreciate all of it.

I can't wait for us to just be married.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Baptism Ear-Ache

My love got baptized on Sunday and I'm so proud of her. She really took it seriously and was very emotionally overwhelmed (as was I). I have to say that it was one of the more defining moments of our relationship and I hope it's something we'll always remember together as a point where we both shared the fullness of how much we want to do our best to live for God.

I'm proud of you, baby!

Then, later that day I went swimming with my family and got water in my left ear. It hasn't come out yet... :( I can't hear out of that ear very well, so if you'd like to pray for me, I'd appreciate it! :) Thanks!

Well, I gotta get to work... hopefully all goes well today and I glorify the Lord!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Tattoo Dream?

I just had a dream that I was giving someone a tattoo. It was weird and scary at the same time. I was like, "Sweet! I'm giving someone a tattoo! Wait... I don't know how to give a tattoo... :O"

In the dream I messed it up pretty bad and I felt pretty dumb. Oh well. That's what dreams are for. To let us know what we're not doing in life and to let us explore those things we may never get a chance to do.

Our kitten is so cute. I never did write about her here, but we have a little kitten. Her name is Halo. Most of the time N calls her Bubbuz and sometimes I call her 'kitten'. lol Her full name is Luna Halo E**s the Third. I like it.

Well, I gotta take a shower and head out to work. Peace.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Going to work

I'm about to go to work. So, I think this is just to get an entry in since I've been so lax about it for the past year.

Anyway, I hope it goes well. I pray that I do my best and that God blesses it.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I forgot how much I love swimming. My love and I went swimming after she got home from work. It was cold at first, then got warm, then got cold again. haha It was one of those things where you get used to the water but then the temperature drops outside and kind of ruins it. Either way, it was a fun time.

She just chatted and chatted about her day and was being who she is when she's so pure and innocent. It's so cute. I got to see her drenched with water and just noticed how beautiful she was all over again...

I love her.

We're getting married in just 6 weeks!

We did get into a little tiffy this morning but she called and apologized directly afterward... God is so faithful. I had just prayed not 2 minutes before the call. I know she loves me, it just hurts how she talks sometimes because it just seems as though she doesn't. But, again, I know emotions are real, but you can't base truth off of them.

Work was aight. Well, we're about 3 work days into a little experiment that Bill and Abe have going on. Dex will be in charge for one month, followed by me, and vice versa for a couple more months after. Then, we'll be evaluated and a manager will be named from between the two of us.

All I know is that I work for God first and foremost. I pray that I bring Him honor each day in all I do and say... though, that part is the most difficult. It seems as though all I bring Him is shame since I make so many mistakes... not only that, but it seems that all that people want to focus on these days. Negativity. It's a real challenge to portray that which you believe in most without coming up short once in a while... or even all the time. =/

Oh well, I guess that's why there's forgiveness...

Saturday, July 11, 2009

I love her

Ok, one month, 18 days until we're married. We've overcome so much and we've grown closer still. She's the love of my life and I've met none like her. I'm looking forward to marriage for so many reasons... the reasons I had as a kid and the newly found reasons I've picked up on my path with her.

First off, I love her more and more each and every day. I love her more as she grows closer to the Lord. I love her more when she looks at me and makes her silly faces and whines at me to hug and kiss her...

She's truly one of a kind and the love of my life. I appreciate so much about her. When she's who God made her to be, she's the most kind, loving, caring, gentle person I know. She cares so much more about other people than most people I know... she's passionate! Passionate to the core! She's got the best eye for creativity that I've ever been around. She can take a piece of paper and turn it into a beautiful collection of art.

She's driven to do what's right... like, right when I need it. She's always encouraging me to be doing what's best for us and for others. She's courageous... my goodness is she! She'll be afraid of doing something, and when I see that I think usually that person will not do it... but not her. She does it! She'll grit her teeth and go what needs to be done. She's extremely strong and yet is as sensitive a person I've ever known.

She loves the lost and needy... she cares for each person she meets, even if she doesn't care for the way they hurt others. Without her, I'd be stuck doing nothing with no ambition. She's the love of my life and I'm so grateful to have known her.

I cannot wait to marry her, fall sleep next to her, wake up with her, and fall in love with her all over again every morning...