Sunday, February 24, 2008

Getting Out

It's nice. I've been getting out a lot more. Ironically a lot of it has to do with my grandparents moving to town from Oklahoma. Considering that they're stuck in the house so often (well, my grandma at least, she's been sick) I'd still be thinking I'd be 'in' more often, if you catch my drift.

Yet, it seems that as I get used to being out I don't mind it. Well, actually I'd say that I'm less dependent upon that which I have at home. Perhaps the security I have at home is becoming less and my security in being out and making new memories has become more. I hope it's the latter of the two.

One thing I find about myself--I'm not sure if this is true of everyone else or not--is that that which I do mostly is what I'm want most. When I was going through a lot of depression (which I didn't admit to at the time) I found that I stayed in my house... like, 24/7. It was really bad. I'm a person who LOVES to be around my friends. But, it seemed as though the desire to be secure was won out more than my desire to go out and be with everyone.

I'm glad I'm at this point in my life. Now, if only I can get myself to be consistent with exercising again! I used to be in great shape, now I'm in A shape. haha More like a big ol' "O" shape. >.<

Today was a good day. In prelude to it, Jason and I have been watching movies almost every single night. And for most of you who know me know that I'm not a huge movie buff. I do enjoy watching movies, but I feel that when it's not a movie I feel I GOTTA see, I don't bother. If everyone else is watching it, then yeah, I'll watch it. So, this recent trend has been somewhat unexpected, even to myself.

I think knowing that Jason is going to be leaving to go to Sweden is making me realize that I'm going to miss him tremendously. He's been my best friend since Junior High. I think I'm also rediscovering our great times and making new great times as well. We've been having a great time watching great movies and making fun of the horrible ones--which is almost as fun as watching the great ones!

So today we hung out in the morning and ate a bit in our cold apartment. Afterward we went to my grandparents house and visited for a while until we went to a friend's wedding reception. I had a great time just visiting with everyone, I'm glad I went. I normally wouldn't go to such an event just because I often choose to stay home and spend time relaxing. Maybe I should shift my mind to realize that relaxing is something that only happens once in a while and that being out often is the norm. I'd actually appreciate myself more if my first reaction to 'going out' was a positive and actually excited one. Right now it's hesitant and I usually have to decide it against staying in thinking that I'd much rather be doing nothing.

After the reception, Jason and I went to see the Spiderwick Chronicles with Jordan. hah, why we went to go see a kids flick is beyond me, but I had a great time. Jason and I pretty much MST3K'd it. Awesome. Afterward, some awesome BF2 time.

So, here I am listening to Chevelle's new CD on my awesome headphones (that's another awesome) and writing in this blog. w00t

Well then, GOOD NIGHT, and I don't care what time it is for you. You have to go to bed now that I've said it. Sorry, it's science.

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