Monday, February 18, 2008

Last Few Days

Well then, seeing as how I have a horrible memory, it's probably a better idea to write one of these things everyday rather than every three. :( I'm probably not going to remember many details.

So, here we go.


I pretty much went to work and when I got off I decided to do nothing. But, when I get home that's not the case. I started to work on a project of learning how to make mini images of cds and dvds. Supposedly simple, but it gets pretty complex when you add in the equation of copy protection.

Jason and I decided we'd like to eat at a little restaurant in town called the Pelican's Roost. It used to be solely Sea Food. But, a Japanese and Korean couple purchased it about a year and a half ago. They're not super fast with their service... but, they do their best and they're amazingly nice. Jason and I usually go there just because of them and because we want to see them succeed.... and because I absolutely love their fried zucchini. :D

So, it was 8:33pm when I called and asked,

"Hello, may I ask what time you close, please?"

He responded with something I didn't quite understand because of his Japanese accent.

So, I asked again, "Are you already closed?"

At this he said, "Oh, well... where do you live?"

Puzzled I said, "Well, Jackson."

With no hesitation he says, "Come on down! eat!"

At this point I'm thinking, well... I think they're open. So, I thank him and say, "Alright, I'll be there!"

So, Jason and I get there and the guy is waiting out in the empty seating area prompting me to feel instantaneously bad. As I walk in I ask, "you were closed weren't you?" He just assured us it was ok and said that he had nothing better to do and needed to do something productive! haha, what a nice guy!

So, Jason and I got a bunch of food and tipped them a pretty big tip. Oh, and I tried my Japanese on the poor guy. Let's just say there was laughter a-plenty. lol

But, I'm very glad we went. They're awesome people and it was good to get to know them better. I wish them all the best.


So, Saturday I woke up late because it's awesome to do so. Actually, it's not awesome to wake up at like 3 in the afternoon only to watch one movie and see the sun go down. What a bummer feeling. So, I never like to sleep in too late... but late enough. lol

So anyway, I watched some t.v. and then went to my grandma's. Helped out a bit and ate some lunch. Went back home to do more research on that mini image thing I was working on.

I then went to lunch with Shawna, Vanessa, and Kevin. They aptly named it the "Un-valentines-valentine-dinner". Clever.

By the way, I told by the waitress at Strings that I shouldn't treat my 'girlfriend' "like that". haha Oh man.

Anyway, after dinner we said our goodbyes and took a picture. It was good to hang out and see them again as we've not just done something like that in a long time. FIFTH ELEMENT IS CALLING, I CAN HEAR IT!

I get home and Jason, Kevin, and I decide that going to the movie would be folly, so we got some Ben and Jerry's Phish Food and watched Shoot Em Up. Eh', it was entertaining. Can't say it's on my 'must see' list.

After said movie I can't remember what happened. Sleep occurred shortly after my memory lapse.


Ah yes, today. Got up, went to Church. Came home and ate the rest of my food from Pelican's Roost (couldn't let it waste!), and some extra food from Strings. Leftovers aren't bad at all.

I relaxed just for a little bit and then had to go to the church to practice music with Brandon. After that we had our Worship band practice and then played for everyone at 5:30pm. After that we watched a really horrible comedian. I've never seen a comic that was good at putting me to sleep. I'll have to order one of his cassettes for when I can't seem to make it to dream land.

After that I took Brandon home, got some new clothes, and then ran to the movies. We watched Jumper which was alright. Good plot and mediocre character development (I could definitely write more about this) and a so-so ending.

After the movie we jetted to Denny's and ate some dinner. Fun fun. I actually didn't get sick. It's a first!

Played BF2 with Jason and Abe. Laughed. Here I am.

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